For the 6 months I’ve wanted to buy a new camera. I’ve been using DSLRs at college for 2 years and feel it’s time I made the change from a video camera to a DSLR. I’ve been learning on Canon 550D and 600D’s. I’ve also used a 5D Mk2 for a couple of projects. I feel I’ve outgrown the smaller, cropped sensor cameras now, there are limitations with them that restrict what I’d want to do with my own camera.

I’ll be using it mainly for video but still taking the odd picture every now and again. The videos I shoot are mainly action sports, so lots of fast action and camera movement. I also want to be able to capture decent sound. I also really want to go full-frame because I just love the look. I’ve been looking at three main cameras. This is no way a review of any of them, this is just what I’ve found from research on the internet, watching video reviews and videos shot on the respective cameras. I have only scratched the surface of each of them and have only mentioned the features that I’m interested in on each. Make of it what you will.

Canon 5D Mk3

Haha, check out my photo editing skillz.

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